Snap! Extensions (Part 3)

Oh. It's "My room"

I put in "Is H3Ll0 gibberish?" and the machine said it was.

Well, it's half right. But it depends on how you read it.

I see what you mean but its doing that cuz its not all letters. number... break it.

Those 8 random vars were for my chat thing I made in another python project, my dodge the arrow thing, one for your game you were making, and another room from my python program, and some random testing vars as well. It's not spam. Its recognized as safe.

I looked at the values and 'my room' has the word cuss many times

That was @sir_kitten2 testing the room. They said I should add a cuss detector.

huh, your making a chat now?

No, that's a project off of Snap! Let's get back on topic.

ok. im thinking we need a dev block that allows us to delete the value of a var.

Just do [scratchblocks]send [var] as [%20] to cloud::sensing[/scratchblocks].

ok. im gonna test something


yes! I found how to do this!

How to do what



I can make trop down arrows now! finally.

I don't know what you mean.

So you mean you couldn't do dropdowns before?

I didn't know how.



I do know you didn't have to do that.

so I don't have to go to the start of the topic.