Snap! Extensions (Part 2)

see you when im done.
edit: deal

snap! trivia all about snap!

Nice idea!

it takes forever to use any of the blocks.

What do you mean?

Oh. Spam protection. Use the gibberish block to make sure its not gibberish.

it still takes a long time.

Can I have the chat link?

Chat link?

Can you actually put the source code inside the repo and not just a zip file?

[offtopic] Remember @sir_kitten2 talking about @system closing the topic after a max 100 replies? Well guess what? We have 213 replies in Part 2 and @system hasn't closed the topic! [/offtopic]

:man_facepalming: Haven't I told you already I can't use git?

max replyies was bumped up tp 250 not 100.

are you testing something with the vars? theres a bunch of random vars but the value is [joecooldoo]
edit: I can't find anything to use the blocks for in the trivia!

its not a chat. its vars!
edit: it could be turned into a chat if we wanted to tho.

how do you set variables?
I know "let" and "var" in JS, but what about in snap cloud?

Were not sending anything to the Snap! Cloud, but rather, my own server.

how do you make a server?

