Snap! Console Game Jam

im making a boss fight, can iadd it whenim done?

Sure, just read this:

I haven't the faintest idea on how the game will perform. I only have an idea - that is some sort of story game.

Maybe a platformer game, but on every level, you get 5 turns to program the character what to do on the level.

Oh, okay. I finally have an idea or something.

My idea is that you can code a sprite, say like Scratch Cat or something, to navigate a maze. However, there will be some hard tasks that would probably be impossible with the code. So I'll make the player an AI that runs your program but still does other stuff like dodge obstacles and guns.


I have always wanted to make one of those sandbox games that are Game Engines within itself. So right now I'm making one!


4.3 days left

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for what?

Till the deadline

for games?

The game jam

whats a game jam?

Oh :man_facepalming:
Im not really participating in the game jam. But when my game is done, can you add it to the games?

Yeah, if you read the OP it says any game can be put in. But the winner of the game jam gets their software as the first title on the HOME Menu.

screw it if i finish in time im submitting to the game jame

im gona join.