Snap! Arcade

Glen, this looks beautiful! :smiley:

Are you all set? Is there anything else left to do?

To launch the browser we're using the following terminal command:

 "chromium-browser --kiosk snap.html"

We then tried to run a local file in the same directory using

  "chromium-browser --kiosk snap.html#run:pacman.xml"

However, we're getting a "cannot retrieve file" error message.

We're assuming that this may have something to do with either:

(1) Linux file paths, or
(2) file permissions

Any thoughts would be welcome. (Thanks!)

I would start by putting the entire file path in the command, e.g., /usr/users/glenbull/Desktop/pacman.xml or whatever it is. See if that helps.

We tried using the entire path, but still either do not have the correct path or have a permissions issue (or some other problem).

Here's the draft artwork for the side of the arcade case:

There is a whole thread about every aspect of this problem ...

But the simplest working example (Win10, starts the Examples/copter.xml)

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

:snap: source and the project must be referenced by the file: protocol, and the security restrictions must be disabled. Parameters are split for readability but should be in one line.

Cool, is it paint or vinyl ?

We're currently using paint (blue) for the base layer, and planning to use vinyl (yellow) for the artwork (Alonzo, etc.).

For now, is Alonzo painted?

No, it is cut out of 110 pound card stock using an .svg file with a Silhouette die cutter.

How come the word "Snap!" is expanded but the word "Arcade" is condensed? If it's deliberate, I'd prefer the other way around.

We used the Snap! logo for that element. The letters are welded together so that they can be cut out in a single unit.

The five characters of "Snap!" and the six letters of "Arcade" currently are both seven inches wide. We can expand the letters in "Arcade" so that the width per letter is the same as "Snap!"

Hey, Glen, are you planning to present the Snap! Arcade at Snap!Con? Please do! :slight_smile:

Yes, we would love to present the Snap! Arcade at Snap!Con. By that time, we should have a complete set of documentation that has been tested by high school students.

Also, John Maloney, Jo Watts, and I wondered if you might be interested in joining us in a presentation about Snap!Bridge and the "Key & Mouse" library in MicroBlocks? The arcade and many other Snap! projects involving microcontrollers are dependent on use of MicroBlocks in combination with Snap!, so we thought it might be useful to present an overview of those tools if you would be interested in joining us?

We have now successfully run the following script in a shell script (""):

chomium-browser --disable-web-security --allow-file-access-from-files --kiosk 'file:///home/maketolearn/Snap-8.2.3/snap.html#run:file:///home/maketolearn/Snap-8.2.3/pacman.xml&hideControls'

However, we haven't been to get this script to run on startup when the Raspberry Pi first boots up. (We attempted to edit the local.rc file.)

Any suggestions for a good way to run the script on startup?

Here's an initial draft of the arcade artwork mounted on the cabinet.


You could try

I am sorry but I will have to decline this time. I'll be busy enough as it is, and I am trying to keep my participation down to a few presentations...

Besides, that's your project! :slight_smile:

The MicroBlocks "Key & Mouse" library has been transformative in our work, so thank you for developing it, and for providing the updates that increased its responsiveness.