Snap! and MicroBlocks using BLE

A test of the upcoming Snap! blocks making it possible to work with microcontrollers programmed with MicroBlocks.

Peek 2024-05-28 09-53

All sensors sending values to Snap! from a MicroBlocks programmed micro:bit. :partying_face:

A number of projects controlled by a microbit programmed with MicroBlocks and the MicroBlocks library in the Snap! dev version.

Peek 2024-06-08 16-42
Peek 2024-06-08 08-03
Peek 2024-06-08 02-32

Peek 2024-06-11 18-24
Using the same controls as with the flying bird.
Peek 2024-06-11 18-21
The lightbulb gets brighter and dimmer using the light sensor of the micro:bit or calliope mini 3.

I can not upload pdf files here so I do it with images. I made a quick tutorial to demonstrate the MicroBlocks and Snap! collaboration. I wonder if this tutorial needs more info or if it would be workable this way. Please leave any comment.

Another 2 page tutorial that shows a glowing orb when you move your hand over your micro:bit or Calliope mini 3 covering the light sensor. It will make the orb more or less glowing depending on the value of the light level sensor.

A dancing rainbow responding to the volume of the sound captured by a micro:bit or Calliope mini 3.