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Hi (and apologies to bh and Jens for not posting here at all or really using the cool community site in their entire existence ). Congrats on Snap! 8. That's a big version number, and the new metaprogramming features that have finally arrived are too cool for me to ignore (though usually I can never think of anything worth programming).
I haven't found much discussion on them here yet (adamantpenguin implemented text-based Snap!) so here are some use case ideas, and please share any more...
Records: I don't know where I first heard of this kind of thing; probably because of the SRFIs (Scheme Requests for Implementation) about it.
It will be great if someone can think of a better example for this.
The way to use variadic inputs seems to be undocumented, so I assumed there was no way and made it nest a lot of CONSes instead of using LIST.
There doesn't seem to be a better way to deal with variables than this:
or using an undefined variable if it has a fixed name, but of course I should just have made a custom block for this purpose.
Backquote (can't think of a different name): This macro might make a lot of macros (and the record implementation) easier and clearer. Not sure if it works perfectly, or whether unevaluated inputs/C-slots or ordinary procedure inputs are better. THIS SCRIPT + OF (if the latter now means "this block/procedure as a procedure with the environment of another") doesn't seem to work very consistently:
works, but this should be equivalent and doesn't work:
(Also I seem to have broken something so the backquote block only works half the time, other times saying "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string" or something.)
A library with blocks for metaprogramming/macros might be a good idea.
bh had thought of a metacircular evaluator well before these features weere added. I guess running primitives needn't feel like "cheating" because special forms would still be treated specially? Are there any interesting ways it could be modified? Would the "Variations on a Scheme" still be relevant even though Snap! can imitate them more directly? In any case, it'd be interesting. (I started one with Snap! XML long ago.)
I don't think pattern matching (or syntax-rules) would be really relevant to Snap! macros because they're blocks.
Dispatch procedure OOP: Now one could make a DEFINE CLASS block that puts a new constructor in the palette, rather than just letting one assign it to a variable.
Snap! is probably one of the most innovative programming languages today (OK, I know nothing about programming languages today or CS academia, but I have the suspicion) since you're willing to add natural, convenient features without feeling constrained to what's conventional (hyperblocks, representing procedures' names(?) as themselves for want of a better way to put it, and hopefully eventually hybrid lexical/dynamic scope).
Any thoughts/ideas?