Snap 7.0 feature hunt!

I don't really keep up with snap 7, and I only test stuff out when someone posts here.

hey, I just found out that you can now drag blocks out of the "unused blocks" and "export blocks" dialogs.

I knew about that a day or two ago.

I just went back to snap 7 today, and was going to look at the hidden HSL setting, when I saw this


you can now turn on a setting if you don't want to click blocks to run them.

Interesting! I think it's experimental, looking at the commits.

I think I've found something...image
Was that sender's option always there? Also when I click it, it does nothing (to my knowledge and sight).

6.9 has that.

Make untitled script pic - 2021-11-16T183046.441 in a sprite, make untitled script pic - 2021-11-16T183049.485 in another sprite, and try it.

the senders option is already in snap. What it does, is, show what sprites are broadcating the message, or in this case, broadcating green flag.

There's a corresponding item on BROADCAST, called "receivers...", too.

I know, I did mention

That's the "senders..." one.

First time posting here (in this thread) so uhh
for the situation involving the image --> image change
I think for the
when I recieve [any message v] ((message) :: control) ◂:: control hat
set [latest message v] to (message)
solution i think there should be some way to hide code
i tend to make projects that serve solely as blank projects for custom block packs/"extensions"/"mods" and thus try to not have any random code hanging around in the project
this could serve other uses too soooo
wait should i make a new suggestion topic for this

honestly, I think it's better to keep that kind of script showing.

was just rethinking it- something more useful would be hidden sprites
they can appear on the stage but won't clutter the corral

or even better, sprite folders.

I don't know if people said this yet, but you can make your own block categories (I didn't spell that right) are in Snap! 7 dev.

Also, the "send" block was replaced with a broadcast block that you can extend to broadcast a message just to a specific sprite.


[unnecessary line of text here so i can post]

Message block?

(message :: control