Set type to 5 for condition 𐚁s (hats)

Right now i'm working on a pretty big project in snap (i'm not going to be giving any spoilers, but its something I posted about recently), and I came across the fact that conditions dont have a type, so I cant determine and change a block to be like another. can this be changed/fixed?

But they do. It’s either predicate (If unevaluated) or Boolean (if evaluated):

untitled script pic 351

untitled script pic 352

They mean condition hats

and this is exactly why I strongly opposed the naming of condition. condition is actually a thing in the hat block making thing - right click on a custom hat define block and you will see what I mean

Though it can be a lot clearer if you specifically say "conditions hats" instead of "condition blocks".

yeah, i'll change it.

Honestly, the only reason I knew what you were talking about, was because I had tried the same thing (to get ready to update my snap to snapblocks project).

haha, that makes sense.

I thought you meant condition caps (the emoji you used is a cap :billed_cap:)! I'm sure most of the community refer to these blocks::cap as caps.

𐚁 technically not even a hat
:womans_hat: and :tophat: are hats

ok, i get it, looks close enough though. lets stop talking about it so that this proposal may happen

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