Search selects not what is searched but the 1st option in the dropdown

when i search "sin" it gives me "sqrt", when i search "reverse" it gives me "length", when i search "clones" it gives me "my neighbors", etc

searching sin, 1st result is "sqrt of 10"

okay, I'm getting really annoyed by your reports, please stop it, and slowly read again what you just wrote. Have mercy on me. Plz. And take a break. The monadic function block also has the "sine" function in its dropdown, and the "my" reporter also has "clones". Geez, man.

i just recently started using snap again
can i post more tomorrow?

Please try not to bother the devs for things in Snap! that aren't problems. The reason that it shows is because the thing you are searching for has that item in one of the blocks, so it shows the default block with no edits. However, it could be pretty helpful if that works somewhat like the operators feature.

I find this to be the opposite of a problem.


the 'sqrt' block has a 'sin' option in its menu, same with other stuff, no offense but please stop with these, jens is getting more madder at his own community (which is snap), if he gets mad enough, he'll probably ban most of us