Saving which produces &editMode&noRun flags mysteriously

When you create a new project, you got this url

If you save as your project, you keep this url...

(this is the problem...)

after you save as your project, tell your students to go on my project page, share the project, re-open it and copy/paste this link...

steps example:

  1. create a new project
  2. save as the project: (note the project have a name, but notice the URL...)
  3. goto the snap website
  4. goto my projects:
  5. click on the project and share it, and edit it
  6. copy the url:

not easy, too much steps, but it will work...

No, you get logged out if you don't check the box saying to stay signed in on this computer.

oh, that too.

or instead you can just click the cloud icon next to the paper icon and click "open in community site"

That option only shows up if the project is already shared.

No, my project "Snap!-It Beta" isn't shared but itsw there.

Thank you loucheman, I never knew that community page option for accessing, sharing etc. projects. I've always gone through the Snap page pathway.

Brian, I just had another look in the manual, pp. 37-39 and can't see this information there.

I just tested it out, and you have to have the url parameters for the project in order for it to show up, and when you open a project in the editor, it doesn't give you them.

Yeah what's in the manual was the entire truth when I wrote it, but lots has happened since then. :~(

you're literally kidding me, right?

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