- this is a comment
-var-(var name) - this creates a var
-varv(ID)-(value) - sets var value
Variable ID's: ID's identify the variable easier. Every var you create with the -var- tag has an ID. The first -var- tag used in the script makes the ID of the var "1". the second variable you create is "2" and so on. Your variable is named what you named it, but the variable creation list has the ID.
I know. I might not use it though because I did not write it making it harder for me to edit it in the future. I might redo the code itself with reference form your code. Thanks.
-var- - creates a var
-varv(ID)- - variable setter.
the id is assigned to variables in order of creation. the first -var- tag used is ID 1, second is 2, and so on. you can create up to 5 variables, there are only id 1-5.
all tags
-color-(color)- - sets text color, always has to have closing tag -
-p-(text) - displays text to output
- comment
read project notes before running project.