Run JS Array/Passing Arrays as Function Arguments

0.0 uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I hope this isn't serious

Call the national suicide prevention line. 1-800-273-TALK

@bh @funtime_foxy101 no it’s a joke I just looked so depressed most of the time

This is a very very serious rule violation. Read the rules.

Oh no I can’t find to rules! I’m gonna get banned :sob:

Guys look what happened

Wait, what?

I tried asking the question somewhere else and it got closed right when I finished typing and submitted

Hmmm...thats strange

please stay strictly on topic

Ok, you're not understanding what Array actually is.
An array is a datatype that stores things.
It doesn't show a popup, it just stores things in memory.
To make a popup or a option selection, you have to use some HTML or window.confirm(). Your stack overflow question was closed since your question was inconcise.

I know what it is I just thought there was maybe a function like the options array that outputs a option. I think I figured it out, maybe I need to somehow output text that’s changed due to html code because I’m pretty sure the options are html code.

Also window.confirm() wouldn’t work because when I say “options” I don’t mean yes or no I mean custom options

Guys I might’ve found out why you guys are so confused

Yeah, you are, for a week.

function options(...list){
var ne=open("about:blank","","_blank")
document.body.innerHTML="<select name='example' onchange='var opres=this.value;close();'>"
for(i of list){
document.body.innerHTML+="<option value='"+i+"'>"+i+"</option>"
while(typeof ne.opres==="undefined"){}
return ne.opres

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