Royalty-free music

and how i can resolve the issue

I already resolved it. Is the issue still there?

same error...

why it work for programmer user and not for me ?

I don't know; I'll work on it another time.

Oh, noes!
EDIT: only saves 1121 lines.

??? did someone get into your account? (is Rodrigo your name?)

Rodrigo Siqueira created
EDIT: I have started a backup and retyping my code (maybe better than what I had before? Idk).

I figured it out: only saves 1121 lines.

Try then.

The URL of the file, in this case <FileName>.mp3

Sometimes obvious things are overlooked, like this.

Hello, bug/glitch! Long time no see! I cannot seek my files in the player, but I can seek the remote files from Incompetech, FreePD, and Silverman Sound Studios.

Here is a funny thing:
playing audio is easier in HTML/JavaScript (audio element, src attribute, play method) than in Java (I haven't [as of typing this] figured out the API), but reading a text file is easier in Java (File class, Scanner class, next method) than in HTML/JavaScript (I would use this for the repo [might be changed to repertoire] and queries, but I haven't figured out the API).

TL;DR Is there an easy way to read a text file in HTML/JavaScript (preferably as a string so that I can split by line)?

The only way I know of is this:

// assuming the file is a var called "file"
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.oncomplete = data => { // i think its "oncomplete" or some similar name
 // insert code

That does not work. What is the value of file given a [EDIT: server-] local file name?

Oh, I thought you meant file objects. I don't know how to do that, sorry.

You can't read a local file; you can only upload it to the server and fetch the file with a network request.

I meant local to the server, not my computer. It's very easy to play an audio file on the server (<audio id = "player"></audio><script>player.src = "myMusicFolder/myMusicFile.mp3";;</script>); do I need a network request for a server-local text file?
