Snap! data went on without any activity and has been closed, sorrowful!
@r4356th Can you reopen it? I want to contribute on it at least.
A humble asking.
Snap! data went on without any activity and has been closed, sorrowful!
@r4356th Can you reopen it? I want to contribute on it at least.
A humble asking.
What is Snap! Data?
A sister project of Snap! Wiki.
@r4356th has unlocked it, so now you can edit pages there.
Actually, someone else unlocked it, I don't think R4356th is currently active now. It was a steward called Raidarr after a request was sent to unlock the wiki.
Thanks for your interest! Nobody ever actually worked on the wiki except me. The idea behind it has always been to complement the main wiki by sending users there whenever the main wiki does not have any information (which is why it is linked on search results, btw). I even experimented with getting pages to be automatically filled using templates so we could have more pages despite the very limited amount of contributions that we receive. Anyway, none of that can be achieved without active contributions from people like you. So thanks a lot.