Research tree help

so im making a research tree, and its mostly finished, exept that the branches arent centered.
i tried to make them centered but then theres a new problem where the branches are colliding with eachother! can someone help me?


Scroll wheel to zoom, drag to scroll

is this something for a HOI4 game?

start your cam at a dif pos

whats that?

a wargame based on WW2

trust me, its a good game

well, really i just wanna make a research tree, and i wanna make it like minecrafts advancement tree and mindustrys research tree

they are centered? you did it correctly?? well done???

no, i need help getting them to be centered correctly



its my time to pull out this image and scream 'BUMPER CARS'


Would that be you, in the yellow cart?

thats not me

no, its...

s a n s!

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