I know that you get this a lot but we really need. Im sorry if i come off as demanding I just feel these additions will improve peoples ability to create things to the fullest extent
Username block.
Some sort of cloud system that is tied to a project (like in snap) preventing other people from messing with your project.
Run projects similarly to how Turbowarp does it to improve speed.
Run without screen refresh (not "warp." the problem with warp is that it prioritizes that line and when you need multiple scripts running fast it really doesnt allow it (its also not the fastest))
I think if done propperly (and safely for the cloud and username) these additions will allow for many new ideas.
Warp is actually a lot more similar to run without screen refresh then you may think. If you know how to use warp correctly, you can have multiple warped scripts running at the same time. Basically you just put the warp block inside a loop instead of the loop inside the warp block.
virus scanning isnt a new thing. (I wouldnt say easily but...) you can definitely scan the js for potentially dangerous lines of code. it would improve the user experience and is still safer because most people dont even look at the js before allowing