In 2015, Jens made this project and I remember I immediately wanted to remix it; but forgot... until 2021.
Here's my remix.
You can set the three (red, yellow and blue) velocity watchers (sliders) to any value between minimum -4 and maximum 4.
Try dragging the red velocity to negative 2 (for example).
The (0, -2, 2) combination looks like number 0.
The (0, -2, 3) combination is a strange shape.
The (-2, 2, -4) combination has three eyes.
The (-1, 0, 3) produces a ring-like shape.
My favorite one is the (0, -2, -4) combination, because it looks like a turtle.
The (-2, -2, -2), (-2, -2, 2), (-2, -2, -3) and (-2-, 2, -4) all resemble the 8-like shape, the latter two with additional ornaments.
The (-2, -2, 3) looks like a cylinder with a twist.
The (-2, 2, -4) looks like a boat seen from above.
The (-2, -2, 4) looks like two baskets.
The (2, -2, 2) looks like a smiling face.
What are your favorites?