Random number and less than/greater than problems with snap

Random number and less than/greater than problems with snap
Im doing somethings that has two random numbers being chosen from -10 to 10. They will both be randomly chosen and then checked to see if they are less than or greater than each other. If for example one problem asks if a number less than and it is correct it will say that it is correct. And if it says that the number is less than the problem will say it is incorrect. Usually it works fine but every once in a while it will show a problem that is just incorrect (like 5 < 1 being correct). Then if I am to put in 5 < 1 as the numbers with out the random effect, it will change to being incorrect. I don't know what could be affecting?

I tried adding images to help describe but its not working, I'm new to the snap forums so apologies.

Are you doing something like this?

If so, just remove the second check and you should be good.

How do you put in images? I try to put them in but it keeps giving me an error. I already verified my account through my email as well.

Yeah, that is a new user restriction (which honestly should just be set to 1 image, not 0). It's to prevent spam. The forum will automatically upgrade your account as you read the forum and post on it, which is usually done on the first day.

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