Qualms of a Philosophical Game Dev; or, Fostering an Actual Community

0_o. Must be from the East coast, then.

Once we DO get one of your so-called "decentralized moderation [teams]" we will begin implementing comments. The Snap! Development and Moderation Teams are already busy on their toes with moderating this site (a few are also University Professors so they have extra work to do) and adding comments might mean an extra thing for them to do. But I dunno, I'm just speaking on behalf of others (and it feels kinda selfish, don't ch'ya think?)

The only problem I find with using the forum as kind of a comment section for projects, is that, unless you put a link to the topic in the project notes, it's hard to know if a project even has a forum topic. The great thing about posting on the forum is that your project will more likely get more attention, rather than hoping someone will stumble across your project.

I started it; don't blame @latin_rome. In my generation, when the KKK was very much a real threat, people used "Amerikkka" as a shorthand assertion that the US was (still is, sadly, although somewhat less so than back then) a deeply racist society. I probably shouldn't have used it in this context, since I'm not even talking especially about racism, although that's one of the many things that have gotten worse in 21st century politics. The one that's actually relevant to this discussion is the moral panic about kids being molested over the Internet. What I said was

When I was a high school teacher (early '80s), my students and I did hang out at each other's houses and/or at the local Chinese restaurants. It was great. But I could never do that today, not in the US.

Just wanted to point out that there are four whole continents east of the Americas! One of them is even Anglophone. :~)

Oh, Ok. Thanks.

Well, when I thought "English East of America" I thought of a British person. That's just what came to my mind.

I wouldn't recommend a commenting system on Snap! but I would recommend a dialog box that, every time you press "Share", would pop up and ask you if you would want to post the project on the Forums. Or just add a button to post it on the Forums, if the dialog box gets too annoying.

I would want both a commenting system & [either the dialog box OR a "post to forums" button].

I don't think that (semi-)automatic posting to the forum is a good idea, just because a forum post that's just an embedded project isn't, imho, a good conversation starter. The good ones have a sentence or two on what the project's about, or why the author finds it interesting, or how Snap! helped or got in the way, or something.

Eventually we'll have comments on project pages.

Hey! North Carolina here!

Wowie, what a party pooper. No fun.

At least treat us kids like functional humans... geez.


This is actually valid. Buuuuut... we got some volunteers here, eh? It's called recruiting the members. Just have a flat system in place to prevent bad mods.

Scratch had volunteer moderators for a while, but they stopped, because the (kid) volunteers ended up exposed to a lot of pornographic spam. For the immediate future, I think any volunteer moderators will be adults. Yes, in the long run, maybe we can think of some clever technology to allow the serious spam to be deleted before community moderators get involved.

That's why you have people ages 18+ as moderators of programming language websites like Scratch & Snap!, volunteer or not, not FREAKING KIDS!

Yes, this makes more sense than having kids as moderators, volunteer or not..

I had 30 downvotes on one of my posts. If anything, I was proud of it, because at least it was getting attention.

Huh. I don't really USE reddit. But here and there I look at gaming-related stuff.

Same here. I use it whenever I click a link to it.

My last post was this, 2 months ago. I'm scared.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I tried making a subreddit for Snap! but it failed for quite obvious reasons, and the fact that we already have a Forum (like, what's the point of a subreddit?)


What's that? A reddit in a reddit?