Project: Snap Developer Feed


ok well im using an iphone's hotspot

Oh wait
their using whatever Universal Layer LLC is

ok idk

lets get back to work

im currently installing multiple versions of windows 96 to get the old aero theme back so

Windows 96 doesnt exist
You may be thinking windows 7

No, windows 96


where is internet explorer

its um, idk

also the guy im using the hotspot from is about to leave ,sorry

talk when you get home ig


getting this to work through mqtt is hard!


Oop. It was just one variable that wasn't set to a list! Arggg!


I can't believe I just made a Snap! project run like a python server
Run this: Snap! Build Your Own Blocks
When it says "Please Wait" it got a response from the Snap! server.

its not doing anything?