Problem with zoom opening session

Just tried joining opening zoom session and git this

Normally, would see a holding screen for an upcoming zoom session

Yep, same here. I guess we are all given a Error 500. :sweat_smile:

Working now :slight_smile:

anyone managed to actually join yet?

Still waiting for the host to start the meeting.

Thanks - good to know it's not just me at least

jo tampoc puc

Sorry for the confusion everyone! The website bug was fixed.
This welcome session won't be able to be broadcast to Zoom.
We'll do a separate online session later today.

Will the virtual hallway be open at 10:30 CEST?

I've answered my own question - it seems to be working but I'm the only one in it :slight_smile:

Maybe the chat is busier

Yep! The hallway track is open all day! :slight_smile:

Sadly ohyay went away, so there's no virtual fire pit but Zoom should work. :slight_smile: