Personal Libraries | Dev-log & announcements


:lollipop: :abc: :three:

(About PL mod) Hmm... what is this C symbol?

📴 🔝+🧊🔤2️⃣

It's :hourglass_flowing_sand: to :stop_sign: now, snap​:bust_in_silhouette::abc::four:! It went from :bust_in_silhouette:al libraries to finding ways to hide words.

If you want to keep speaking in that language make an emoji project.

\mathsf{\Huge⮈\normalsize\\\\Leftwards\ Black\ Circled\ White\ Arrow\\\footnotesize{}0x2B88}

It looks like a C and it points to the left, matching copyleft. :slight_smile:

The problem is that on both my computer and my phone, that character doesn't seem to be in the font being used.

Ah, I got you, it looks like this:

My question is, who in the unicode consortium in 2014 decided "hmm, we really need a Leftwards Black Circled White Arrow symbol"

Who in the unicode consortium decided "Hmm... we really need:
:business_suit_levitating: MAN IN BUSINESS SUIT LEVITATING
or maybe some sort of

Who in the unicode consortium decided, "hey, we really need a blue diamond shape with a dot inside :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:"

That makes sense, because in braille, that pattern is a contraction for "of". Also, why not include every single braille cell combination?

I'm pretty sure that's something from japan.

it's apparently supposed to resemble a flower??

I imagine it to be the copyright sign, but reversed. 🄯 (albeit not supported for all users)

It's getting off topic again! Similar to what I said, if you want to be chatty of Unicode, create a Snap! Unicode project and add a twist to what people could comment about.

Working on v1.1.0, here's a small but nice looking tweak...

Update changes so far:

  • Some code is optimized and minified as much as possible.
  • Credits weren't removed, just hold shift while the DialogBoxMorph opens.

I'll add more as time goes on and when it's released I will add a new announcement. :slight_smile:

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask away! :smiley:

I'm slowly but surely developing and updating the mod!
I created this small error dialog box for any load errors.

Look it even works:
Library contents: 'ErrorTest'

I've only been working on this in my tech class, so sorry if you feel like this is way too slow.

v1.1_b PRERELEASE notes:

  • Added multi-mod support
  • Library loading error was altered for ease of access
  • \colorbox{white}{\textsf{\color{#004080}About PL mod...}} was changed to \colorbox{white} {\textsf{\color{#000}About \textbf{\color{#c000c0}Personal \color{#00c0c0}Library}}}
  • Also the About dialog has been changed. Credits can be seen by shift-clicking the About button
  • Thanks/info dialog will show up upon activation
  • Many code optimizations
  • Way more (probably including some leaks :wink:)

Pending changes:

  • Import/export
  • Edit order, add separators, edit / delete libraries

Could we see the prerelease version ?

Some time soon, import/export is very broken (and non-functional), and editing list order hasn't been added yet. I'll send a public prerelease as soon as I finish the import/export stuff. I'll put the order editor in v1.2_b.

Can't wait!
Honestly, I've never really known what Snap! modding was until I saw this project, and now I'm really intrigued!
I personally would find this insanely useful, and I can't wait to see what this would look like with an official release!

The new mod update is already finished, I just have to tweak a few things. Can't work on it until ~10:30 though. Stay tuned, guys, girls, and hexadecimal numbers.

How can I get your mod?