People are spaming off topic links

hey I found another bot. matildaa

<1m read time.

The frame of mine is wood. Just like everyone’s unless yours is pure stone..

Yes, you guys are right, there's still wood in houses. I was thinking of furniture. (And of course the parts of walls that you can knock on aren't wood; they're "drywall," which it says here is made of gypsum (which is a mineral, says Wikipedia)).

Whoa, this is getting off-topic.

I was going to say the same thing. We're now talking about whether there is wood in houses? LOL!

I think most of my walls are made of wood. I'm not sure what exactly the type is, or how it was made almost yellowish, but it definitely has a coating over it to make it brown. Also, I live in a trailer park from the '70s. A sticker on one of my windows says "1978 ASSESSMENT".

I have a really old house. Some of my wall is drywall and other parts of it are wood.

New accountholder here, name of codegeezer because I grew old writing code. Adding Snap! to the ol' toolbox (see recently published project "nowWeAreSix"; lambdas and lists are fun!) Now I'd like to participate in the forum. Unfortunately...

Perhaps due to understandable steps being taken to address the issues discussed here, I'm not finding a way to post my questions. Funny that my account can still post replies?

Anyway, please allow me to ask here: how or when might it be possible to post a new question? I just can't seem to find a link for that purpose presently. Thanks!

welcome to the forums.

Hello, and welcome to the forums! Please refer to here: #faq
To create a new topic, just press the button on the top right:

why did you change your pfp Joe?

I made my logo higher def. finally, so I changed it.

Update: the link appears and is working for me now. Thanks to all who lent a hand!

Sorry, I apologize. I've deviated this thread for the sake a personal access issue.

Forget about it. Someday surely, the access will open up. Meanwhile, return focus to stopping that spam for the good of all!

I'll do my best to contribute helpfully when I see someone else's post that I might be able to address.

EOL for me in this thread.


What I'm trying to communicate here is... you know that lovely link up there in that right-hand corner that says "+ New Topic"? It does not appear for me.

We need a different plan, please, that does not involve me clicking on a link that is not there.


Yes, in response to spamming we are limiting what new users can do in their first day on the forum. (Sadly that doesn't seem to have stopped spammers; I'm not sure why.)

It is there, but as @bh said,

It will not appear because this is your first day. After staying online for a while (maybe for about half an hour?), you might get access to create a new topic. (Basically, Discourse has trust levels, and you need to pass the "Bot Filter")

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