Pen Variable Watchers

Actually, I know how to do multiline. I don't know how to resize the watcher.

Ok. Then I don't need the label block. Can you add the multiline part, so I can see how I can make the resizing?

Pen Variable Watchers script pic

I meant add it to the draw variable watcher block, even without any resizing.

It's breaking my project, so...

I added multiline, but I haven't added resizing yet. Here.

Here is some Progress: Snap! 6.9.2 Build Your Own Blocks

I'm trying to add resizing to mine, but I get a weird error:
Screenshot (132)

Fixed here: Snap! 6.9.2 Build Your Own Blocks

I just added the resizing! It requires the watchers to have 90 degree corners, but it works! Just check the link I gave here.

It is OK.

Now we just need to be able to get the name of a variable. I.e.:
Pen Variable Watchers script pic (5)
Pen Variable Watchers script pic (6)

Edit: the identity function works for that:
Pen Variable Watchers script pic (7)

No we don't, they are watchers. It displays a variable.


At least a single </span> endtag isn't that bad.

Apparently what we really need is the VALUE OF block of this:
Pen Variable Watchers script pic (9)
which returns the value of a variable name given to it. I need it for this:

Edit: It's in the Create Variables library:

I don't want to use JS.

I don't see how else to get a variable from a string, unless you want to completely remake variables in pure Snap!.

Edit: I'm actually going to go do exactly that.

Edit 2: And it's here.

For global i sprite local variable but not the script vars.
untitled script pic (77)

untitled script pic (78)