<p> tag doesn't work for Scratchblocks anymore

Without p tags:
[scratchblocks]<all of<><>@delInput@addInput::operators>[/scratchblocks]
With p tags:


I don't know if this is really a bug, but I felt it worth mentioning. (Both use the same code: ``` <>@delInput@addInput::operators> ``` )

without p tags
test @greenFlag

with p tags

[scratchblocks] test @greenFlag [/scratchblocks]


Without p tags:
[scratchblocks]<all of<><>@delInput@addInput::operators>[/scratchblocks]
With p tags:
<p>[scratchblocks]<all of<><>@delInput@addInput::operators>[/scratchblocks]</p>

something really isn't right.

One my screen, both the without and the with render correctly. ego-lay_atman-bay's reply shows what I expect.