Opuscating code


It isnt

I seriously am clueless to whatever you all are saying. Can anyone explain this to me maybe?

@cookieclickerer33 wants a way to hide something ("Opuscating" [sic]) in their code to make it harder for someone to read it. Unfortunately, I think this isn't allowed.

So by doing something complicated, he's attempting to make it hard to remix.Right?

That or making it hard to find a secret

I mean, I made a challange involving self-destructing projects, but all of them could be disarmed.

That project was for a fun kind of thing. They want to make their code un-readable, which isn't allowed. It seems their going to do it anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised if they got a warning or got banned for doing this.

huh. I've sometimes given blocks misleading labels to distract from secrets in games, but I guess that isn't really making the code unreadable.

IIRC, it is allowed but like annoying/frowned upon to purposefully make your code unreadable-- while the bit that is not allowed is making your project unable to be remixed/edited through methods like a self-destructing project.

any self destructing project can be disarmed using XML editing or JS code.


running this code in the console will disable the WHEN EDITED hat block:

StageMorph.prototype.fireUserEditEvent = ()=>{};

I think that is beside the point, though.

I literally said I’m not doing it

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