New Snap! remake

So... me and some other ppl are working on a snap remake written in snap! its not fully made yet so most of the stuff isnt added but we got categroies and blocks and a stage and sprite and a srite manager(wich has a bug)
Snap! Bubble - block coding (
if you would like to make a mod of it or help then just ask me in this topic Collab for making a snap clone within the snap editor itself - Requests to the Community / Collaborations - Snap! Forum (

but isn't that just another scratch

They're trying to remake snap in snap. Have you ever seen griffpatch's scratch in scratch project (which is honestly pretty impressive)?

The reason they're doing this, is because it's just fun and interesting, they're not trying to be another block based programming language.

Well I’m trying to be both I wanna make my own snap remake and I’m planning on asking for ppl who know mqtt to make me a home page with projects

oh ok

What's MQTT?

Have you not seen the block library named MQTT?

A lot of ppl use it. For multiplayer

Is it used for multiplayer like cloud variables in scratch?

Yes kinda it allows to communicate between projects or you can use it for multiplayer cuz someone from another client can do something and you can send something to another client and you can do stuff with that

Oh cool

Ooh swag! I wanted to make a cloud messaging server using WebSockets. I'm still not planning to ditch it.

If you're doing it in snap, then you can't share it on the forum or on the community site. There's a rule banning online chat projects, due to the fact that the snap team can't moderate them all.

No, I'm not gonna use it for a chatroom. I was thinking of something like Socket.IO (the link works, leads to the hompage of the project) for your own Snap! games. Except my tech would be different from Socket. IO.