New Rewrite!

Can you check out this

the ui looks confusing but once you get the hang of it its good. 7/10

Okay would you ever use it in one of your programs?

possibly, once i understand it more


If you were an admin to blockal what would you add?

Hello poussin

If you were an admin to blockal what would you add??

in the motion category, i think there should at least be a [go to (x) (y)] block and a [point in direction (angle)] block
in the pen category, i don't know what kind of input i am supposed to give in the slot and i think it would be cool to add a pen size setter and getter
il the looks category, i have the same problem with the color input slot and i don't know what does the text block do
in the background category, i finally understood how does the color input slot works, but i think that instead of giving the name of primary and secondary colors, the player should be able to give hex of rgb(a) colors
in the variables category, there should be a way to create variables and it would be useful to have them shown somewere in the big empty space at the bottom of the screen (like thet, for exemple)

in the JSON category, i have no idea what is "parse JSON" as i don't even know what is json
in te math category, the add 5 to [(var name] is way too specific, we should be able to choose by how much do we want to change the variable, this block should go in the variables category and there should at least basic operator blocks in this category (btw i have no idea how would you put an operator in a block)


Also JSON is in development

Anything else?

Because I’m adding stuff to it

that's all i could think about

Also I added some things to check it out


Also do you know js?

i already told you i don't

Oh I forget sorry

Long term memory loss kinda