New Ideas and Help with Getting used to Blocks

Oh sure I can help.
I’m making a tutorial project rn but if you have anything like a specific block then lmk and I can answer it now

Yes, this is a good idea! I'm thinking about moving away from Scratch in order to get more used to coding (I overall like the layout of Snap! a bit better) and use my "amazing" art skills on Scratch to Snap! My most active account on Scratch is @DrawsScratch, where I am here too.

Well, some of the newer functions blocks (by newer, I mean different from Scratch). And do I know you on Scratch?

So already existing scratch blocks that work diffrent in snap?

if you see an arrow next to a block that means you can add inputs to it like so
Snap intro script pic
You can broadcast messages with data
If you see a thing that’s like that “data” part, that’s actually a script variable. If you want I could give you more info about those but just know they act like a sprite only variable that doesn’t exist past the script it’s in

Okay, I understand. When will your tutorial come out?

When it’s done. Hopefully soon :tm:

Okay! I'll see it if you alert me about it! Now, back to learning! How do I use the "clone" function block effectively? And by the way, I love people's grammar here much better than Scratch where they talk like this "ho r u?"

First off be wanted clones in snap can be somewhat iffy and laggy.

I also forgot to mention you use the warp block to do run without screen refresh

The “a new clone of (sprite)” block is a little advanced but I’ll try my best to explain it in the tutorial but it requires knowledge of other blocks to use it

Okay. . . I've never took computer engineering before, so I'm a little knew to everything.

I just tried making a project with music in it, and it completely shut down my computer! I don't know what happened, but it wouldn't work.

Here’s the tutorial Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

If you want one for lists or make a block lmk

Make a block will be interactive so it will be more educational

Again I’ll only do the make a block one if you want it, otherwise I won’t

Yeah, I definitely want it!

I really like your lectures, by the way.

That was very helpful!

Well I’m working on it

Work is the best thing for a person!

Here you go! Snap! Build Your Own Blocks
I hope you like this interactive tutorial!

Again if you want one on first class lists I’d be happy to do so

This assumes you have read pages 40 to 42 and pages 59 to 61 of the snap manual. These pages give you the information on how to make custom blocks and how to make inputs

Without pictures this would be hard to understand that’s why you need the manual

You can see the manual here

Or like the input to a:
define block (input)
by that, I mean how you drag it out.

Mhm (These are actually where scratch gets those from!)