New Features?

I just noticed that clicking on any script gets a new "download script" option. I do not think I saw this before. In addition to that, I also noticed that clicking anywhere in the scripting area will trigger the "use the keyboard to enter blocks" command. Were these all recently added?
EDIT: I see more changes like all script pic etc.

I think your shift key is stuck down! All those things happen when you shift-click or shift-enter, and they've all been around for a while now.

Really? I do not think so. :thinking:

Well, okay, something equivalent then. Are you on a touchscreen? Maybe you're just holding your finger down too long?

No, on my Windows 10 Pro (Chrome 80).

I have never seen the "scripts pic" for all scripts before! This will be really useful

So, you mean you agree with me?

I've seen them since I joined!
Homework remix script pic

Even if these are not new, we are probably getting commenting soon! GitHub - snap-cloud/SnapSite at comments

Soonish, yep. But you'll have to be a bit patient. Some things need to be done just right, like moderation and reporting tools, and those take more effort to build than the comments system in itself :slight_smile:

Indeed. You now have to add loads of features to the API.