Need to practice multiplication? This is the project for you!

Thanks for the PDF, hope it helps me..

i wouldn't call it "converting", i would say that the variable held a list, because lists can exist without being tied to a variable:

[scratchblocks] say (list [1] [2] [3] @delInput @addInput :: list) [/scratchblocks]

to make and preview broke to make a variable hold a list you just set its value to a list

[scratchblocks] set [list v] to (list [1] [2] [3] @delInput @addInput :: list) [/scratchblocks]

you can look at the help screen for lists by right-clicking on a list block and pressing the help button

This what I do:

ok, you made an empty list


i don't know what you're expecting me to do? is there something wrong with this?

:snap: :page_facing_up: :cloud: :gear:
:snap: :page_facing_up: :cloud: :gear: