My Snap! wont let me publish my project....

Ok, so all I wanted was to post a nice fanart drawing for one of my Scratch friend's OC, and I did that thing where you upload it and stuff like that, but I couldn't edit the name for my project, I still don't know if I published it though, and I don't know how to publish it, I can't see the project on "My Projects" page though....I am super confused. And now I probably made everyone who was reading this confused....great.

File -> Open... -> project name -> Share -> Yes -> Publish -> Yes
Does that work?

It worked, thanks!

to change the description (idk why you can't do it on anymore), file > projects notes and idk about renaming it.

(Expanding on that) There was (probably still is) a bug that caused projects to be lost altogether, that was triggered by editing the notes from the community site. So that capability has been deliberately disabled until the bug is fixed.

Oh, well, I have published the project and was able to find it, so its all good now. :slight_smile: