My scripts and hat blocks

also @joecooldoo you said you could host a private website for me to avoid unwanted snap forum trafic?

  1. traffic
  2. What do you mean by unwanted snap forum 'trafic'?
  3. You wanted a site without anything giving away someone's real-life identity (your brother).

What? No Im his brother, he doesnt use snap. I want to protect myself and the snap forusm
Also have you seen my pen online version?

  1. Ok, I get it now, and
  2. Yes, but I haven't tried it yet.

ok, can you go to a public lobby?


OK I'm off now.

sorry, she turned on gogaurdian


lmao ur always changing ur pfp now

yes lol
dont freak out
its only shrek

I'll need an original logo and a design concept from you.




So do you need me to make one or give ideas or?

I need you to make one

If you mean the logo

wait, my logo or your pfp orrr??

You need to make an original logo

For What??