My school IP is STILL blocked

I was too curious to not click on that link.Sorry.

Coding error?

Why can't people follow simple instructions in this world?

Uh sorry
But was that just because I am not sladescar or was that a real coding problem?

Alright, i accidently just now clicked on it so If you get an IP from it right now then that's not the one that's banned. ill click it again at school

ok! i just now clicked it at school! i hope this helps.

Meh. Since the ip blocking mechanism is activated before you can access the URL, you're not even getting through our logs...

Let me think for a minute here...

okay, please try right now! :slight_smile:

ok i did! are you getting this?

Hmmm... actually, I did not... did you click on the sladescar-test link?

Can you try once more, please?

Got it! :smiley:

it worked! it said the error.

You should be unbanned now. Can you confirm?

It said im still banned, im going to try again.

Okay, there were TWO banned IPs. That is weird. What about now?

Did he do the /admin thing two times, even though it explicitly tells you "You have gone to this common hacking area too many times. Your IP is now banned from the system" or something?

Or maybe its showing mine from when I did it? Wait, but I got unIP banned. Weird

OMG Thank you!! ive been unbanned!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: congrats

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