Morphic in Snap!

With the link provided, yes I can drag it fine. It just runs a tad bit slow.

Not drag, but long-hold.

Like if I hold it ____?

Are you not sure how long to long-hold it? If so, just long-hold it for several seconds or until it says "Long-clicked".

When I hold it it just says click.

Try holding it for longer. Unless it's saying "click" while you're holding it.

it keeps saying click when i hold it

Is it



That's a problem. I know right-click, which corresponds to mobile long-hold, doesn't trigger click detection. I do not know what to do, though it would be good to have others test it on mobile, to see if it's mobiles in general or just yours.

Well I can test it on:
Dell Windows 11 Pro
iPad Air 4th Gen
iPhone XS

The first one is a computer, right? Can you test it on all of them?

Alright. Testing on all. Yes first is a laptop.

On iPad:
On Laptop:
On iPhone:
Couldn't run due to Snap! editor not being available on iPhone or not being able to run the project.


What exactly happened there?

I tested on my IPhone 8. It says “clicked” while I’m holding it

So mobile iOS seems to have that problem; can we get someone with Android?

the snap editor UI does not fit phone screens.

I tested and made some edits
See it here
I think the problem is the mobile long hold. I’ve seen this problem when making mobile controls for my block flipper game. So, on mobile devices, long holding in snap does a right click. Unfortunately, right click doesn’t count as mouse down, so when you long click the sprite, before it can register a long click, your click becomes a right click and stops triggering mouse down, so it registers a normal click.
This can be solved in two ways:
Lower the long hold length,
Or increase the dragging threshold and wiggle your finger a bit, which keeps it from right clicking
(Sorry for wordy post)

It’s pretty annoying