For some reason this block deletes the items in the list provided despite the list being set to a script variable
It shouldn’t do that because it’s being set to a variable and then the variable is manipulated, not the original list
For some reason this block deletes the items in the list provided despite the list being set to a script variable
It shouldn’t do that because it’s being set to a variable and then the variable is manipulated, not the original list
any list passed to a function is passed by reference (and so changes to the copy will affect all references to the same list) unless explicitly copied using something like id of list operator
Strange that’s the case as it really shouldn’t be
It's not un- common in programming languages that data sets that can end up being large are passed by reference
I guess but it doesn’t make much sense in the context of snap
This would basically mean that
This would set all variables to 7 (it does not)
In other languages it might be expected but in snap it wouldn’t be because of the way that snap, just is
Your example in post 2 works as you'd expect - it reports another list that excludes the 5 but doesn't affect the original list
Yes, that’s because “keep” explicitly reports a new list as stated in the help message
That means that
All the basic HOFs do that
What does HOF stand for? I don’t know it
Higher Order Function - map/keep/combine - page 49 of the manual
Oh, I could have swore I read the entire manual
Guess that just slipped past me
Before creating a new topic, please search the forum first
Could have sworn I read those too..
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