Mercator World Map

Are you (@dardoro) a South Pole or a North Pole? :smile:
(granted, this is very much off-topic)

(from xkcd)

I don't know about the "war" part. The main reason its name changed was that Greece has a province named Macedonia, and Greece was therefore keeping Macedonia from joining NATO (all members of NATO have to vote yes in order for a new nation to join). Greece was also unhappy about it joining the UN, so it joined as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

What if I like the Beatles (okay, love the Beatles) but wear only Birkenstocks?

Oh, right, I misremembered; they just weren't going to be allowed into NATO.

I think they should all have had to change names. The Greek one would be South Macedonia or something. (I also think Jerusalem should be given over to the Walt Disney Company to make Religionland theme park, with giant Moseses and Jesuses and... no, I guess they can't have giant Mohammeds, but they'd work something out. The common theme is formally perfect compromises that everyone would hate equally.)

Is that something different from a globe?

Sorry, the Flemish ones just don't do it for me.

I'm sorry to hear. But then, I don't get some of the most famous American painters, especially Pollock, and Rothko (OK, he was born in Lithuania) - I feel even old Mercator made much more significant artwork :smile:

I have no idea.

Oh, me neither! I like some non-famous American painters, though:

(Boy are we hijacking this topic... sorry...)

Here’s another suggestion: it would be interesting to have the map rescale itself depending on the average latitude displayed, so as to reduce the form distortion of areas.

Wait... have we already mentioned the world map library...?

If you set the zoom to 0.5 in the world map library, it will show the entire world including Antarctica.


I used it in this project.