Me and my school are IP banned from Snap!

Yeah but thats not why I got banned. I got banned "for hacking the SnapCloud" :man_facepalming:

… which is the banning message for accessing the API (or specific parts of it, although I don’t know about that bit).

Maybe you shouldn’t be providing links that, when clicked, ban a user.

Hey, does your school use Snap!?

Okay. Apologies, some bits about this whole thing I am a tad unclear on. (Just which specific links ban you- this is not an excuse to post links that ban users!)

No, but some people do. Im only IP banned at home

I know

I struggle to see this post's relevancy?

Its a meme sheesh

Anyways, whos with me and sladescar?


us getting unbanned?

You are accused of malicious intents.

How do you plead?

Innocent. I dont know what he means about

If you get unabanned do you promise to never attempt to hack the SnapCloud?

Yes, and I never attempted to hack the SnapCloud in the first place

If you get unbanned, do you promise never to use the SnapCloud in your projects?

Yes. The only thing I can think of that I think was last week was finding a username block in somebody's library

Ok I find you innocent.
Go ask bh or someone to unban you.


I honestly think jens is over reacting tbh