Making AI smarter using NNpad

i basically want help for making AI smarter using NNpad from scisnap

NNpad is way complicated for me, it would be nice for someone to help me understand it, that way i can make a smarter AI, that is not dumb like the ai in my 'ai learning homework' project

Why don't you give it extra data to start with so it isn't making stupid guesses at the beginning? When you don't give it data it has to start from scratch and doesn't have any idea what it should say. Also, if you make all the answers random every time then it is impossible for the AI to learn from it since it's always changing.

Well, how do we do that?

You can give the "brains" values that are close to the answer instead of completely random values.

I think this bit fits the best.

thats why we need NNpad

but i dont know how to get a value from a network or whatever you call it

Ah guys, my computer crashed and I lost all of my NNPad work! GAAAH


bump because nobody even helped

i just posted a neural network


i wanna create mine with scisnap


for my ai learning homework thing

what library again


how will it remember the training data. the problem with neural networks on snap! is that there is no way to remember trained data. so every time you run the project you will be retraining it. after you have trained data creating the neural network is actually quite dimple i dont see a point in using an extension


if we want it to remember, we have to use the database library

also, we could train it with prebuilt data every time the project started

and whats the AI supposed to do.

try to use the NNpad to remember and guess

i swear, i saw a project in snap con 2020 about traffic sign recognition, its now broken because of the javascript disabling

guess what whart are you feeding it and whats the goal