Making a simulation of the innards of a computer!

Old Post

I'm working on a simulation of a computer!

Try it out!
$ 2 0.000001 0.41233529972698213 36 5 50 5e-11
207 952 280 952 240 4 Out
w 632 440 744 440 0
150 904 280 952 280 1 2 5 5
I 744 128 816 128 0 0.5 5
150 744 208 816 208 1 2 0 5
w 704 200 744 200 0
w 704 200 704 408 0
I 704 408 752 408 0 0.5 5
150 752 424 816 424 1 2 0 5
152 816 288 888 288 1 2 5 5
s 704 200 704 160 0 0 false
w 704 160 704 128 0
w 704 128 704 72 0
w 608 440 632 440 0
194 512 440 768 440 0 false 0.000046
s 448 424 512 424 0 1 true
w 512 424 512 440 0
194 464 216 528 216 0 true 0.000046
w 456 280 464 216 0
194 480 320 640 320 0 true 0.000046
w 560 248 560 288 0
w 560 288 480 288 0
w 480 288 480 320 0
w 576 352 576 384 0
w 576 384 464 384 0
R 704 72 704 48 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
R 448 424 416 424 0 0 40 5 0 0 0.5
w 888 288 904 288 0
x 439 438 497 441 4 10 Manual\sPulse
x 597 183 687 186 4 10 Select\sClock\sSource
I 576 320 640 320 0 0.5 5
150 640 248 688 248 1 2 0 5
w 560 216 624 216 0
w 624 216 640 240 0
w 640 320 640 256 0
w 688 248 728 248 0
w 728 248 744 216 0
w 816 128 904 272 0
w 816 208 816 280 0
w 816 296 816 424 0
w 752 408 752 416 0
w 752 432 744 440 0
b 688 40 1044 509 0
b 400 400 680 510 0
b 680 192 407 390 0
x 416 498 465 501 4 24 Step
x 408 381 459 384 4 24 Auto
x 706 499 870 502 4 24 Selection\sLogic
x 501 110 604 113 4 40 Clock
b 1072 24 392 531 0
w 952 280 1160 280 0
w 744 128 744 -64 0
152 744 -136 744 -64 1 2 0 5
L 736 -136 736 -160 2 0 false 5 0
w 464 384 464 344 0
150 456 344 456 280 1 2 0 5
I 424 272 424 344 0 0.5 5
w 424 344 448 344 0
w 424 272 424 8 0
w 424 8 744 8 0
w 744 8 744 -64 0
x 760 -66 938 -63 4 24 Clock\sHalt/Reset
r 608 472 656 472 0 1000
g 656 472 672 472 0 0
o 0 1 0 x81012 5 0.0001 0 3 5 49 23 0 5 -26 1 0 5 -101 CLK
38 17 F1 5 0.000009999999999999999 0.00009999999999999999 -1 Clock\sPulse\sLength
38 14 F1 5 0.000009999999999999999 0.00009999999999999999 0 \0
38 19 F1 5 0.000009999999999999999 0.00009999999999999999 0 \0

Copy it, save it to a text file, and load it by going to CircutJS, pressing CtrlO, and selecting the text file.


The Clock

To Do

Program Memory

I'm following along with Ben Eater's Build a Computer on a breadboard series.

This has nothing to do with Snap!.

Where should I post it?

not here lol

maybe try to make a simulation of a computer in snap

Good Idea.

get at least something like dos to run
that would be really cool

Or just calculating fib.

Making a DOS emulator in Snap! is possible if someone made a working Linux emulator in Scratch.
I wanted to make this a while ago but had no clue what I was doing so I gave up.

Technically, it was a RISC-V emulator (the easiest CPU architecture to implement) running Linux. DOS was only made for the much harder-to-emulate 8086 architecture. :grimacing:

true. where can i find the instruction set for that?

IDK. The internet, I guess.

I was thinking, maybe a logic simulator?

that wouldn't be too hard. here's a project you might be able to use:

I think I saw that before.

yeah it was a featured project


(If you enable JS and click the top, it opens the license.)

cant you include the licence in the project without having to open a new tab?
is there a copyright symbol pasted there? it doesn't show up for me... it's just a box
this symbol 🄯

every project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license so you don't need to bother with that license thing in your project anyway.
