Recently, in December 16, 2024, the Ideas page in Scratch got updated. So I think I have an idea: Make an Ideas page for Snap! website. That would be useful for newcomers wanting to make a project but have no idea. I think I would be placed one at the navigation bar and one at the footer below Learning.
Like in the December 16 update, I think they should have an Idea Generator (like "create a... about a... that is...") so that people can get an idea more quickly and easily. They can generate as many times as they want.
I agree, but I wouldn't like having an idea generator mainly because the user could just program it by themselves with limited knowledge. You can also just search online for generators.
If Snap! were to have an Ideas page, it should be packaged with an updated manual. The current manual is allegedly being transcribed, so that might take a while.
when @stopSign clicked :: control cat hat
add[Snap!] to $list
forever {
move [10] steps
turn right [15] degrees
say [3.0 Scratchblocks on the forums!]
Did you help out with this because you already had it done in snapblocks?
Wait, scratch finally updated scratchblocks on the forum? You have no clue how outdated they were. Oh, and since it was updated, @list now works on the scratch forum (it was added before snapblocks was a thing).