Licenses, COPPA, and other legalisms (Part 2)

What is 501(c)3?

Look it up. It is non taxed.

That doesn't answer my question.

It's the name of a section of the federal tax laws. A 501(c)3 organization pays no taxes, and if you donate to it you can count that as a deduction on your own income tax. You have to apply to be one, and they ask a lot of questions.

By contrast, a 501(c)4 organization is a nonprofit industry association, like the Milk Board ("Milk. It does a body good.") or the National Rifle Association ("Guns don't kill people; people kill people."). It pays no taxes, but you don't get a deduction for giving it money.

That's all I know about the tax code. The only reason I know that much is that for a while I was Business Manager of the MIT radio station and had to fill out its tax forms every year, same as people do, but of course different forms. (They made me Business Manager even though I hate business and didn't really want to do it, but we had flunked out three successive Business Managers my freshman year, and meanwhile I was spending all my time at the station and not flunking out, so they decided that qualified me.)

@sir_kitten2 Sorry, but Snap! is free open source and for everyone, not to add legalisms!!! :man_facepalming:t2:.
Also the "legalisms" things are really useless and unnecessary for Snap! and the "COPPA" thing is a really **** of trash.
Also I censor my bad word to not broke the rules of the forum.
(To censor or not censor bad words, Yes!!! :wink:. But, the other bad legalisms or COPPA, No!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)
Depends on the viewer to view his "favourite things", not to tell to others to view be like his "things".
Also, (The guilt is for the viewer (if the viewer self not like the others), not for other person).
You tell to bh, jens, ... or other persons to force this lie!!!
And @bh, please close this post!!! :pouting_man:t2:
PETA, feminism, racism, COPPA, etc, they are wanted to the Jonald Riden.
(Also is JR, not JunioR)

COPPA IS **** of his ************ (Youtube Kids is not secure for kids, but Snap!, Yes!!!)

Oh, yeah, i'm angry. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

No, there are some legalisms.

Not really sure what you were trying to say here.

Who is Jonald Riden?

Jonald Riden is Donald Trump + Joe Biden. :roll_eyes:

Ok no politics. @bh close the topic before they call in the military and start a forum war. COPPA is important in some ways but isn’t in others. You may disagree with it but COPPA is handy. It keeps kids safe and makes since. I mean a website could say “if you click the button below your device will go away” and a 5 yr old doesn’t know NOT to click it and then they get hacked or data stolen. It also provides more trust for parents who know that sites are less likely to steal data among other things. COPPA kann dumm sein, ist aber in gewisser Weise auch gut

Ironic how you're saying this and then saying something else that will probably start a forum war.

uh ok dann lass das thema einfach mal schließen

why are you speaking in german now
also the topic won't close on its own and @bh probably won't close it

I am trying to learn German so I am using it as much as possible.


[offtopic]Why don't we make a language learning app in Snap![/offtopic]

What? A forum war? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :fearful:

It's offtopic...
so post it in another topic


Your anoter topic.


Most websites only collect emails for things like password resets and making sure you're not a bot, not so that they can sell your information. If @sir_kitten2 is really worried @joecooldoo can create his own website and login page

If only that were true. They don't literally sell your information -- they want to keep it for themselves -- but what they do is use it on behalf of third parties, such as to tailor advertising. Essentially they are renting out your information. Their virtuous-sounding "we don't sell your information" privacy policies are dishonest, even if legally accurate. (Even Google and Facebook don't sell your information.)