Joy's Pizza World (Part 1)

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help i wanna make the hunger bar look like the minecraft one

can you put a png here of a full minecraft hunger bar with a transparent background?

I couldn't find the full one but you can use copy and paste 10 of these together
if you also need hearts use this

I found this on minecraft assets zip

hmmm the hearts & meat stick are a bit blurry

hmm lemme find something else

nah it's alright i found a solution

straight from minecraft wiki itself:

image image image image image image image image

aww man too big

make them smaller in snap using size

I sended the files over to your google drive in the "other" folder

doesn't work the same.
i need to make a full bar of hearts and snap doesn't support adding images into the costume editor :frowning:

how about, instead, have there be several sprites each with heart costumes, and command each one to change costume? it will be more dynamic than just a bunch of costumes with different amounts (and possible at all, considering your situation). or better, but slightly harder, have one sprite that creates several clones.

i guess i can try that...but it'd have to detect if the heart(s) are hidden in order to hide every 2 minutes without food and it would need to refill whenever player touches a pizza..

have a variable to know the amount of health, and increase/decrease it when you grab pizza or go down in health otherwise. to see if they're hidden, make another variable called "hidden?" and set it to false or true. then get the heart sprites to hide or show based on whether it's true or not.
TL;DR variables.







Edit: I figured out this wasn't towards me but PLEASE stop replying to the last post when you mean to reply to the topic or someone else. It's very annoying.

but it'd be too difficult

it probably wouldnt be as hard as you're imagining, make a list and store the clones in it maybe

how do you make a list
You can put sprites, clones, lists, commands, reporters, predicates, sounds, strings, numbers, booleans, and costumes into lists.