JavaScript tutorial (Part 2)

how do you make it a wiki post

3 dots menu

there is no make wiki button

make a post, then click the three dots next to the reply button, then click the wrench, then click make wiki. If you don't see the button, it might be because you're still a basic user.

how to be not a basic user

edit: wait, you're already at trust level 1. idk why you can't make your posts wikis.

I have level 1 trust why dont I see it?

where is 3 dots menu

if you don't see it next to the reply button, then it's not there.

it adds another button not a dropdown

you have to click on the wrench button to get the dropdown.

I don't see wrench button

what button do you see when you click the three dots?

delete button

ok, so you can't make your posts a wiki post right now.

I won't be replying anymore because this is getting off-topic.

I just added a section about fetch in APIs.
Also I added syntax highlighting and code blocks in some places, and explicitly defined the syntax highlighting just for safety.

wiki for sir kitten:

How do you get the color at the mouse pointer with JS? I keep finding multiple solutions but I'm not sure what solution to use.

why exactly do you need js? there is already a primitive that does that.