JavaScript tutorial (Part 1)

what is this "javascript" they speak of? :sweat_smile:

Its a type of coding language, most websites are made with it i'm guessing, and I have been dying to learn it!

The big three languages for web dev:

  1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language; like nouns)
    a. E.g. buttons, paragraphs, text fields, images, and more
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets; like adjectives)
    a. E.g. color, spacing, size, cursors, and more
  3. JS (JavaScript; like verbs)
    a. E.g. looping, moving, editing, event handling, and more

You can use JS to change the CSS of an HTML element!

1 Like

whoa. cool

Do you mean Inspect Element?

The Element Inspector is a developer tool that allows the viewing and editing of HTML elements.

Hey,its hard.You have to remember which properties are font-color=fontColor) and which are width)and class is a reserved word(so you use className intead of class)
But i think ES6 properties no longer cant be reserved.
In es5:
var foo={}
In es6:
var foo={if:"bar"}

yes i meant that


JS!! That's the shortcut I was trying to remember!


how to make stuff m o v e with JavaScript?

should I copy+paste the whole Snap! forums code onto here to analyze it better? or should I not?

function i made:

function alert(alertText){

alert("woah, this is cool")
console.log("Donald Trump is Donald duck, when you turn his head upside down")

<meta name="discourse_theme_ids" content="2">

idk, copy+paste is a friend.

Does this work for movement?


The alert function was already made. The default object is window, so before you made that function, alert is the same as window.alert. I just tested it in the console: if you define function alert, it changes the window's alert function, so it just keeps calling itself recursively until the call stack gets too big.

What is a call stack?

A stack is a data structure that puts data in and takes data out from the same end.
A call stack is a stack that keeps track of function calls.
Another function call puts a frame in the stack, then removes it when the function ends (maybe from a return statement)