Introductory Art and Music Course

Fixed. (The forum decided she was typing too fast. :~/ )

@bh @katiestephens Thanks! (We can attest that, even though she is a fast typist, she is not a bot.)

Question: if I copy / paste from google translation, is considered too fast?

Dunno, we didn't write the software. Maybe? I think it matters if you're new to the forum.

made a few extra ones

Here is my link to my first design! (I submitted on Canvas since I couldn't post on the forum)

I created this flower looking piece for art project! I started originally by making a star out of triangles but wanted to play around more with angles and side numbers and ended up with this as my final product. I also played around with color which I know we will be doing more of this week but I felt inclined to experiment with that as well!

Here is my 2D Square Illusion

@bh @jewelsimon The account of another student, Jewel Simon, has been suspended. Could you look into what the issue may be? (Thanks)

@zahra_kaito This is great!! It's actually how my first manga drawings looked. You already have a good grasp of the anatomy of the manga style. I suggest focusing on one specific character to work on different facial expressions. It'll all branch off from there!

Another case of the forum deciding the user types too fast. :~(

Edit: I think I've disabled this misfeature in the admin settings.

Hi everyone, here is my Bathsheba Grossmann inspired work:
Stage (2)

Since this was my first project using the Snap! interface, I had a hard time figuring out how to use the repeat blocks and create loops to come up with an interesting pattern. After a lot of trial and error, I came up with this design. I like it because it's a bit unconventional and hard to decipher, but I think that gives it an interesting dimension.