Inbox (Part 1)

Use the [scratchblocks]
unicode of [a] :: operators reporter
[/scratchblocks] block.

( codes WARNING: DO NOT LOOK INSIDE :: operators) :: operators) :: control hat
report (unicode of [list of swears here] :: operators) :: control cap

Why don’t you just make it-_-

Sorry. I did now. It took long because I just started to learn how to put blocks into the forum.

Can you send link.

uh, I feel like this is kind of like a chat, and something that the bh will probably say, "it's another thing we'd have to moderate", so I'm not sure it's a good idea to make this online (use cloud vars).

I'm sorry. I have to leave this collab. My parents said I'm too young to be doing a development project.

A filter to moderate as best as it can then devs to also moderate it.

Wdym development project?

IDK, Thats what my parents said.


another collaboration that will fall
im not joining.

Why don't you just use the chat filter roblox uses?

OHHH. No no. I made the code I mean on the forums. I didn't actually make a project. Sorry, I got confused.

If it's an API, you probably don't need headers so you can use the [scratchblocks]URL [] :: reporter sensing [/scratchblocks] block.

You need headers. You have to use POST.

Oh. Let me try. Yes I think your right. Never mind then.

I odnt know how to access it.

I can't see that text, please link a project with it.

I tried to copy it from the image, and I got this:

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("apikey", "P4e5DYXcQIFIsrHIMWwr9VGKh3gKnGdP");
var raw = "hello!";
var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  redirect: 'follow',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw
return fetch("*", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result =>console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

The "I"s in P4e5DYXcQIFIsrHIMWwr9VGKh3gKnGdP might be "l"s.

You should really encode those somehow so little kids don't check inside and see, because let's be honest, they will.
Also, there is a much, much simpler way to do this:
Swear Word Detector script pic