If I am clicked again block

I need the if I am block to work 2 times but with a different script.

please think about adding a again option for the if I am block.

Wait so if I have been clicked twice then do something? That is a easy custom block, want me to make it?

Something like this, only one problem, the forever is making it not work and I do not know how to fix it.

Using a block variable is the right approach, but the very first thing in your procedure is SET A TO 0, which will undo the previous state of the variable! You have to just assume it's zero when created. (That's something I don't like about how Jens implemented block variables.)

it happened again. the error message load failed: module users newer version of serializer.

no if I am clicked again. so If you click it it does something but if you click it again it does something else.

nothing works I can't even open my own projects!

@bh The title of the page that opens when you run snap is Snap! 7 Dev, we are still opening this one except one problem. We can not load projects.

do you want something like this?

thats what I need thanks!

Shift-click refresh. Or clear your browser cache.

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