I would love to share a tech class project with you guys

I don't know if I should post this here, so please do warn me if I shouldn't do any more updates about this.

I'm using Morphic for one of my projects, and it's in a "very alpha" state right now. One of the morphs I am really proud of is named CustomRenderMorph, which uses SVG code and evaluations to render it, like so:
this.path = "M 0 0 H ~(w) V ~(h) H 0 Z" +
                  "M ~(w*1/4) ~(h*1/4) H ~(w*3/4) V ~(w*3/4) H ~(w/4) Z"
where ~(...) takes in any code and replaces instances of w with its width and h with its height. The code makes that path this (if both dimensions are 100):
M 0 0 H 100 V 100 H 0 Z M 25 25 H 75 V 75 H 25 Z

The rendering after parsing is easy - just using Path2D quickly creates the path without the need to use so many conditions.

I can't get any screenshots of the project right now since I'm restricted from "file:///*" on my Chromebook, but I will show them as soon as possible.

Because you're using Morphic but not Snap!? I think that's okay.

Alright I've come back and managed to capture a few screenshots of the morph. Here's an example using 3 of the same morphs, with different render paths:


And this joke will be a bit hard to catch, but if you play enough of a certain game and you have good pattern recognition, you may get this:

it's a bit of a stretch but i think i get the refrence