I want to create a 3d game

I have been trying for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long to make a 3d game and just cant do it can any of you help?

Wrong category. You posted it in Tutorials (Here's how to...) where it should be at Help with Snap! > Snap! Editor.

Try using raycasting, it's the easiest way to make a 3-dimensional game.

Here's an example: Ray Casting.

We can't do anything if you don't give information and don't at least send the link to the project.

I think there was a griffpatch tutorial that showed how to do this. That would really help him with this. It's for scratch, but it should be easy to make in Snap!.

snap is scratch

If you're interested, try BeetleBlocks. AFAIK it's a 3D version of Snap!

That's not all there is too it. There's so many features that I can't explain them all, and Scratch wasn't even the first to make block coding! Also, instead of giving the project, you talked about something not related. If you can't do that then we can't help you with your project.

this is my version Snap! Build Your Own Blocks

Did that solve your problem? If you change the topic to Help with Snap! then you'd be able to mark his post as a solution.

Snap! is Scratch but better. Not only in community (I'm not gonna elaborate on what I meant by that) but also in coding.

You know Scratch? You've mastered it? Good, Snap! is the NEXT step in learning to program (that is if you want to graduate from Scratch to Snap!, then to another programming language like C# or JavaScript). Snap! offers challenges that Scratch does NOT provide, mainly Javascript Programming.

Hope this Scratch Wiki page helps


(Snap! has more features than Scratch, so scripts from Scratch can be mostly ported to Snap!)

I'm sorry if this link was already mentioned or it was already solved, I was just trying to be sure people have given enough information about raycasting

Or you can use snap! to learn it all without a lot of the inbuilt assumptions that Unreal and Godot force you to make, under the assumption that they've solved those problems and are not worth thinking about any more, which isn't actually the case.

Unreal is a very pretty engine and a lot of companies use it, but that doesn't mean it should be the only choice. (even back in the first Unreal game in 1997, a lot of kids including myself, upon seeing a Personal Computer do THAT was "Unreal")(I mean, I started with Quake but, yeah)

You could absolutely teach yourself how to build an engine in Snap! A lot of the things that made Wolfenstein 3D are native to snap and have been for a while. The thing snap! does is give you the toolkit, figuring out how to use that toolkit is upto you.

Start with loading fortnite and asking yourself how it does things.

With Fortnite especially, look at the minimap. Notice how it's always centered along a triangle and if you move your mouse/controller and it changes direction and then the game draws what you see?

That's comparatively the same thing as a turtle, it's just Fortnite does a lot more than turn a triangle, but that's a starting point.

(I Know a LOT of people say Scratch/Snap! is an engine, and that's because unfortunately, what the word engine means in a gaming has been brand diluted somewhat (Epic have a lot of blame in that department) Snap! can create an engine, it is not, in itself, an engine)

I'd say Snap! is more advanced than Scratch in many ways, supporting e.g. custom-made reporters (Scratch only supports commands to be custom-made) - and therefore: recursion - serious list handling, hyperblocks, 1st class everything - including metaprogramming - and what not. Granted, one may insert JavaScript code for extra speed - but that's more of a nice-to-have add-on, and not (IMAO) the core of what Snap! is about: a computer science learning environment and playground. Since Snap! is multi-paradigm: once you've mastered it, learning to program in most* other (production) languages is relatively easy.

* Note

Except, I guess, for logic programming languages, such as Prolog - Snap! offers no logic programming features.

Yeah, on my list. It can be written in Snap! itself, as a library, I'm pretty sure.

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